10 Reasons

10 Reasons why every employer should invest in the mental health of their staff

1. Retain skills through a reduction in staff turnover

Almost one-third (31%) of UK employees said they would consider leaving their current role within the next 12 months if stress levels in their organisation did not improve (Metlife, 2015).

2. Cut sickness absence

Mental health issues such as stress, depression or anxiety account for almost 70 million days off sick per year, the most of any health condition, costing the UK economy between £70-£100 billion per year.

3. Reduce presenteesim

The annual cost of mental ill-health-related presenteeism – people coming to work and underperforming due to ill health – is £15.1 billion, or £605 per employee in the UK (CIPD/Mind, 2011).

4. Demonstrate a commitment to corporate social responsibility

Work-related mental ill health costs UK employers £26 billion every year through lost working days, staff turnover and lower productivity (Centre for Mental Health, 2007). However, many business leaders still admit to prejudice against people with mental health issues in their organisation (Bupa, 2014).

5. Decrease likelihood of grievance and discrimination claims from unhappy staff

Grievances, or more simply “concerns, problems or complaints that employees raise with their employers”, are on the rise, according to the mental health charity Mind.

6. Ensure compliance with legislation by understanding the law

If a mental health issue has adverse effects on someone’s ability to perform day-to-day tasks, this is considered a disability protected under the Equality act 2010. Employers have a duty not to discriminate and to make reasonable adjustments for staff in the workplace.

7. Ensure a healthier workplace

On average, employees take seven days off work a year for health reasons, and it is estimated that mental health problems account for 40% of this figure, however, up to 90% of staff fell unable to be honest about this being the reason for their absence (Mind, 2013).

8. Improve staff morale

60% of employees say they’d feel more motivated and more likely to recommend their organisation as a good place to work if their employer took action to support mental health and wellbeing.

9. Increase engagement and commitment among staff

“Supporting mental health in the workplace is not just a corporate responsibility; staff who have positive mental health are more productive, and businesses that promote a progressive approach to mental health can see a significant impact on business performance, so it’s about good business too,” says Dr Justin Varney, National lead for adult health and wellbeing at Public Health England.

10. Provide better customer service

There is a strong link between levels of staff wellbeing and motivation and performance. Taking a positive, proactive approach to mental health at work can help you to grow your employees and your organisation.