Mental Health

Accredited Mental Health First Aid training

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course which teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental  ill health and provide help on a first aid basis.

MHFA training won’t teach you to be a therapist, but just like physical first aid, it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis.

You’ll learn to recognise warning signs of mental ill health, and develop the skills and confidence to approach and support someone while keeping yourself safe.

You’ll also learn how to empower someone to access the support they might need for recovery or successful management of symptoms. This could include self-help books or websites, accessing therapy services through their GP, their school or place of work, online self-referral, support groups, and more.



“The course was excellent. I learnt so much and feel far more confident in understanding both my mental health and that of others around me.”

“The instruction was clear and highlighted the small nuances that can differentiate between understanding versus perceived conception of what a certain illness can mean.”

“I found this course incredibly useful, easy to understand and delivered really clearly with a good mix of activities, talking and videos .”